Jesus and the Party

Do you have an idea what Jesus might be like? Do you imagine that He always has a serious face? Does he ever smile? Would He be the kind of person you would want to invite to a party? Many people, millions of people have ideas about Jesus that are not true.

Would Jesus go to your party? He might!! In John chapter 2, we find out that Jesus, and His disciples were invited to a wedding. Please remember, in Jesus’ day and culture, a wedding was a many-day-party that involved all kinds of fun festivities! While they were at the wedding, the hosts ran out of wine. What would you expect Jesus to do in this situation? Perhaps you imagine that Jesus would say… “Good, now we can all be a little more serious!” Well, that’s not how Jesus responded to the lack of wine. 

The Bible tells us that Jesus miraculously created wine out of water. And, it was not just ordinary wine. Jesus created the best wine. The scripture tells us that Jesus created wine that was better than the wine that the hosts served!  

What does it mean?

The Bible tells us that “What Jesus did here in Cana in Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.” (John 2:11). It is clear that this miracle has many practical implications for us to think about today. 1) Jesus is not as stern and serious as some of us might imagine. He was invited to the wedding, and even provided exceptional wine! 2) Jesus used this to reveal His glory. This was the first of many miracles that Jesus did in order to show people that He was truly the divine Son of God! 

What about you and Jesus?

Spend a couple minutes today talking to Jesus. Is there something about Jesus that you are interested to know more about? Are you surprised by the way that Jesus acted? What surprises you the most? Do you find it interesting that Jesus cared in such an intimate way for the Bride and Groom in this story that He provided wine for their wedding? 

Scripture to read

John 2:1-12

Prayer for Today

Jesus, please help me to see you in a new way, a way that the Bible shows you. Please correct any misunderstandings about who you are, and what you have planned for me.


Jesus and the Kingdoms


How to Want God